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May 31, 2024
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Curvegrid Launches Updated Web3 Middleware with New UI, Broader Network Support, and a New Webhooks Feature

Curvegrid unveils enhanced blockchain development features in a redesign of their core product MultiBaas.

Tokyo, Japan – May 31, 2024 - Curvegrid introduces webhooks, additional blockchain network support, and changes to the pricing plan in the latest MultiBaas product update.

Overview of Updates

Curvegrid has redesigned their core Web3 middleware product, MultiBaas, to improve the developer experience and streamline the process of building powerful DApps. This update includes the following changes:

  • MultiBaas facilitates multiple ways to monitor on-chain state changes. The latest addition of webhooks allows developers to receive automatic alerts whenever a blockchain event occurs.
  • In addition to a new UI, Curvegrid has enhanced functionalities for specific workflows.
  • Network support has been expanded to include additional blockchains such as Base and Optimism.
  • The Free plan for MultiBaas has been expanded to include up to two MultiBaas deployments with full Mainnet support for popular blockchain networks. The free tier, formerly just for pre-production testing and development, now allows developers to build commercialized production applications.

Improved Blockchain Event Monitoring Capabilities

Curvegrid’s latest update addresses the challenge of obtaining on-chain transaction data and indexing event logs, given the asynchronous nature of the blockchain. Using MultiBaas, blockchain events can now be monitored in three ways via polling, WebSockets, and Webhooks. Webhooks are automated event notifications that are sent to a destination server whenever a specific on-chain event occurs. MultiBaas fetches the data and sends alerts via webhooks.

The webhooks feature supports automated callbacks for two types of occurrences:

  • Included Transactions: when any Cloud Wallet transaction is included in a block.
  • Smart Contract Events: when an event is emitted for any smart contract that has event synchronization enabled.

Webhooks provides event-driven updates, allowing users to handle blockchain events without the need to poll for changes or maintain active connections. Webhooks can be customized to track various transactions, including ETH, ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 transfers, as well as mined or dropped transactions.

UI Upgrades and Additional Network Support

A significant UI overhaul enhances readability and usability by improving MultiBaas’s overall appearance and user experience. MultiBaas provides a comprehensive API toolkit with a variety of improved features. The new dashboard simplifies navigation for first-time users with a panel of features to explore, links for technical support and assistance, as well as a tutorial video that walks users through how to set up MultiBaas.

Additionally, MultiBaas is now compatible with an extended range of blockchain networks, including the latest additions of Base and Optimism Mainnets.

The following blockchain networks are supported on MultiBaas:

  • Ethereum - Mainnet, Sepolia, Holesky
  • Polygon - Mainnet, Mumbai Testnet
  • BNB Smart Chain (BSC) - Mainnet, Testnet
  • Avalanche C-Chain - Mainnet, Fuji Testnet
  • Optimism - Mainnet, Sepolia
  • Gnosis Chain
  • Arbitrum - One, Sepolia
  • Base - Mainnet
  • Curvegrid Test Network (includes an ETH faucet for testing and development)

As Goerli testnet has been sunsetted on Ethereum, Curvegrid has added support for the Holesky test network on MultiBaas.

Building on MultiBaas for Free

The free plan has been modified to allow customers to create deployments on all of Curvegrid’s supported production Mainnets including Ethereum Mainnet. Particularly beneficial for individual developers who are looking to initiate their work on MultiBaas, the free plan includes:

  • Up to 2 deployments that can be used for development, testing, staging, and production
  • Up to 5 active smart contracts
  • Access to all supported blockchain networks
  • Up to 3 team members per deployment
  • 30,000 API calls per month
  • Additional features which can be found here

“We have implemented some of the biggest changes to MultiBaas so far. What I’m particularly excited about is seeing our customers use webhooks to speed up their app development. We look forward to Web3 projects adopting the new features in our MultiBaas middleware technology.” - Willliam Metcalfe, Co-founder, Curvegrid

Curvegrid’s team of Web3 blockchain engineers are available to lend support and help users get onboarded to MultiBaas. Custom smart contract deployments and flexible plans are also included as part of Curvegrid’s enhanced service offerings.

To get in touch with their team,

For more information about Curvegrid’s MultiBaas middleware application, please visit

About Curvegrid

Curvegrid is a blockchain technology company based in Tokyo, Japan. Curvegrid's MultiBaas offers a web UI and a REST API, allowing developers and customers to build the blockchain without needing any prior blockchain knowledge. Multibaas supports development on multiple blockchain platforms, and the API significantly improves development speed, lowers engineering resource needs and reduces time to market. Curvegrid also offers a number of turnkey solutions for blockchain-based financial services, decentralized finance (DeFi), online games, document management, logistics, marketplaces, analysis, and more. For more information, visit