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October 25, 2022
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Compare Node Providers with Curvegrid’s New Web3 Arena

Curvegrid announces Web3 Arena, a tool that compares metrics of different node providers across popular networks.

Tokyo, Japan – October 25, 2022Curvegrid announces Web3 Arena, a tool that compares metrics of different node providers across popular networks.

Curvegrid has launched Web3 Arena, a public portal that displays near real time data and statistics for various node providers across multiple blockchain networks. It compiles the data into visualizations, which update every 5 minutes. The graphs can be used to assess the performance and reliability of different node providers, with up to 30 days of historical data available for comparison. Users can see the node provider's performance across four categories: Latest Block Number, Block Number Over time, HTTP Errors and Websocket Disconnections. 

Node providers assessed on the site include Alchemy, Chainstack, GetBlock, Infura, and QuickNode. Node providers connect web applications to the blockchain on different networks. One of the main benefits of using node providers is that they maintain and manage the nodes for their clients, eliminating the burden of managing that part of the infrastructure. By facilitating an understanding of node providers’ performance, Web3 Arena can help users make an informed decision on which providers to use.

“We work with a number of node providers and while data for specific node providers is available, it can be difficult to understand the full picture of node performance. That’s why we built Web3 Arena, to make it easy to access, compare and monitor the performance of popular node providers on different networks.'' said Curvegrid Chief Engineer, Pierre Rousset.

The statistics are gathered from both RPC and websocket calls. The Latest Block Number and Block Number Over Time are calculated using the `eth_blockNumber` RPC call over HTTP. This can be used to detect when node providers fall behind the blockchain head block.

HTTP Errors displays the HTTP / RPC errors returned while getting the latest block number also using the `eth_blockNumber` RPC call. A maximum of 1 error is recorded per network-provider combination per 5 minute interval.

Websocket Disconnections shows websocket disconnections and subscription errors while maintaining an active subscription using the `eth_subscribe` RPC call.

Curvegrid may add further categories in the future and the team welcomes feedback and suggestions by email at their contact address

About Curvegrid 

Curvegrid is a blockchain technology company based in Tokyo, Japan. Curvegrid's MultiBaas offers a web UI and a REST API, allowing developers and customers to build the blockchain without needing any prior blockchain knowledge. Multibaas supports development on multiple blockchain platforms, and the API significantly improves development speed, lowers engineering costs and reduces time to market. Curvegrid also offers a number of turnkey solutions for blockchain-based financial services, decentralized finance (DeFi), online games, document management, logistics, marketplaces, analysis, and more. For more information, visit